Dobra, jakby co to cumulusem tego nie zrobię, znalazłem info, że można to zrobić w pytonie
import MySQLdb
import subprocess
# To read databases and submit info to OpenWeatherMap
# Should be run via crontab every 15 mins (suggested)
# some constants
mphtms = 0.447 # convert mph to m/s
db1 = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost", user="xxx", passwd="yyy", db="ws3083")
db2 = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost", user="mmm", passwd="nnn", db="weather")
# create Cursor objects.
cur1 = db1.cursor()
cur2 = db2.cursor()
# Use all the SQL you like
cur1.execute("SELECT Windspeed, Windbearing, UVindex, SolarRad FROM Monthly ORDER BY LogDateTime DESC LIMIT 1")
cur2.execute("SELECT LogDateTime, Temp, Humidity, TodayRainSoFar, Pressure FROM Monthly ORDER BY LogDateTime DESC LIMIT 1")
# process result - should only be one record - the last record entered
for row in cur1.fetchall():
ws = row
for row in cur2.fetchall():
dv = row
# now generate the command to send
endstr = " --user 'user:password' -H 'x-api-key:apikey'"
posstr = "&lat=nn.nn&long=-nn.nn&alt=mmm&name=MyStation" + "'"
val1 = "'"+"temp="+str(dv[1])+"&wind_speed="+str("%1.1f"%(float(ws[0])*mphtms))+"&wind_dir="+str(ws[1])+"&pressure="+str(dv[4])
val2 = "&rain_today="+str(dv[3])+"&uv="+str(ws[2])+"&radiation="+str(ws[3])
cmd = "curl -d "+val1+val2+posstr+endstr
#print cmd, shell=True)
Może komuś się przyda, tu są szczegóły: