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Autor Wątek: Cumulus 1.9.1 beta build  (Przeczytany 10694 razy)

Offline GuMa77

  • Stratus
  • ***
  • Wiadomości: 154
  • Otrzymał podziękowań: 0
  • Płeć: Mężczyzna
    • branicemeteo
  • Typ stacji: wh 1080
Cumulus 1.9.1 beta build
« dnia: 05 Października, 2010, 22:38:04 »
Note 1: This version is built with the very latest version of Delphi, which breaks compatibility with the old version I was using previously. I have therefore had to do a number of fundamental changes. I have done what testing I can, but please let me know of anything you spot that isn't working as it should be. La Crosse and Oregon users in particular may have problems (it may not work at all).

Note 2: I occasionally get a 'bug report' when closing this version. It appears to be crashing in the bug report handler itself, but this may be because it is trying to report a problem in Cumulus. I am awaiting a response from the author about this. The top of stack in the bug report looks like this:

main thread ($165c):
00407bdc +00c cumulus.exe System 207 +0 @LStrClr
004300e1 +0e5 cumulus.exe madNVBitmap LoadBitmap
00407526 +03e cumulus.exe System 207 +0 FinalizeUnits
00465868 +054 cumulus.exe madExcept InterceptFinalizeUnits
0040793d +09d cumulus.exe System 207 +0 @Halt0
00920038 +1d4 cumulus.exe cumulus 73 +26 initialization

Don't bother reporting this if it happens to you.

Note 3: There are updated web templates include: indexT.htm, todayT.htm, yesterdayT.htm and recordT.htm. Some of the changes are for solar data, which not all of you will have, so you may want to remove those parts (or just ignore them) if you use the new templates.

Note 4: This version of Cumulus requires GDI+ (gdiplus.dll) for the graphs. This should be present on your system. There is a possibility that it may not be, particularly if you are using Windows 2000. If you get an error message regarding this DLL, you can download it from Microsoft here:

Changes from version 1.9.0:

- Added 'apparent temperature' and web tag <#apptemp>
- Added humidity high and low, and corresponding web tags
- Wunderground uploads 'catch up' from logger data
- Allow chart line width to be configured (see display settings)
- Allow individual temperature chart lines to be shown/hidden (right-click on the graph)
- Optional gradient background for charts (see display settings)
- Fix evapotranspiration recording (Davis)
- Calculate hours of sunshine (Davis) (see station settings for 'tweaking')
- Added high rain rate to "this month/year/period" display
- Added rain to xAP reports
- Option to round wind speeds to nearest integer (see station settings)
- Option to disconnect Davis IP connections once a minute (see station settings to set the interval)
- Change to v2.42 of Davis VantagePro.DLL (may cause problems - watch out!)

The following fields are added to dayfile.txt

Lowest humidity
Time of lowest humidity
Highest humidity
Time of highest humidity
Total evapotranspiration
Total hours of sunshine

The following fields are added to the "monthly" logs (e.g. Oct10log.txt):

Annual Evapotranspiration
Apparent temperature
Current theoretical max solar radiation
Hours of sunshine so far today

The following fields are added to realtime.txt:

55 Apparent Temperature
56 Sunshine hours so far today
57 Current theoretical max solar radiation
58 Is it sunny? 1 if the sun is shining, otherwise 0

The following web tags are new:

<#apptemp> Apparent temperature
<#SunshineHours> Hours of sunshine so far today
<#YSunshineHours> Total hours if sunshine yesterday
<#CurrentSolarMax> Current theoretical maximum solar radiation
<#IsSunny> Returns 1 if the sun is shining, otherwise 0
<#humTH> High humidity today
<#humTL> Low humidity today
<#ThumTH> Time of today's high humidity
<#ThumTL> Time of today's low humidity
<#humH> All time high humidity
<#humL> All time low humidity

Download link:

pozdro all team ;)
« Ostatnia zmiana: 02 Grudnia, 2010, 00:14:47 wysłana przez GuMa77 »

Forum Użytkowników Stacji Pogodowych

Cumulus 1.9.1 beta build
« dnia: 05 Października, 2010, 22:38:04 »

Offline seba

  • Stratus
  • ***
  • Wiadomości: 147
  • Otrzymał podziękowań: 4
  • Stacja DAVIS + loger IP , detektor blitzortung
  • Typ stacji: 6153EU
Odp: Cumulus 1.9.1 beta build 950
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: 29 Października, 2010, 18:46:07 »
zrobiłem test tej nowej wersji Cumulusa 1.9.1 ale brak łączności ze stacją .mam nadzieje gdy oficjalnie zostanie dodana do pobrania będzie działać jak wersja 1.9.0  8)

Offline GuMa77

  • Stratus
  • ***
  • Wiadomości: 154
  • Otrzymał podziękowań: 0
  • Płeć: Mężczyzna
    • branicemeteo
  • Typ stacji: wh 1080
Odp: Cumulus 1.9.1 beta build 950
« Odpowiedź #2 dnia: 02 Grudnia, 2010, 00:12:19 »
dzis mi cumulus 1.9.0 cos zaczal swirowac,po instalce

Cumulus 1.9.1 beta availablePosted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 6:58 pm

Build 966 available

- Wind rose label colour configurable
- Change this month/year low max/high min (and dates and times) web tags to show dashes on 1st day of month/year
- New web tag <#LatestError> gives last error logged to error log window
- Images of gauges have main window backgrounds again by default. Option to make background transparent (see display settings). See help for notes about this.
- Fix freezing line on graphs when all lines are below freezing
Please direct any discussion, problem reports etc to the BETA forum:

hmm dziwne, ale wszystko sie ustabilizowalo po instalce  beta

pozdro All team
« Ostatnia zmiana: 02 Grudnia, 2010, 00:13:52 wysłana przez GuMa77 »

Offline kotesk

  • Stratus
  • ***
  • Wiadomości: 159
  • Otrzymał podziękowań: 3
  • Płeć: Mężczyzna
    • Trzebiez pogoda ws2300
Odp: Cumulus 1.9.1 beta build
« Odpowiedź #3 dnia: 05 Grudnia, 2010, 14:36:43 »
Cyt "
- Change to v2.42 of Davis VantagePro.DLL (may cause problems - watch out!)

Potwierdzam problem ,Cumulus w wersji beta nie czyta logera WLIP . Widzi Loger i stacje  ale danych nie przezruca do Cumulus
